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Symansis/CRP/C-Reactive Protein Rapid Human ELISA Kit/96 Well Kit/ECRPSY

CRP/C-Reactive Protein Rapid Human ELISA Kit
C-reactive protein (CRP) is a circulating protein mainly secreted from the liver. This acute phase protein consists of five identical non-glycosylated subunits of 23 kDa, that give rise to a symmetrically arranged globular protein with molecular weight of approximately 120 kDa.(1) It has long been recognized that CRP is closely related to immunology, inflammation and host defense, as a result it has been used as an inflammatory marker. However, the development of high-sensitivity CRP (hsCRP) ELISA had addressed its role in other clinical issues. There is accumulating evidence suggesting the important role that CRP plays in mediating cardiovascular diseases (CVD) and type 2 diabetes.(2-4) Normally CRP is presenting only in a trace amount in circulation (<1 ug/ml)(5-6) but can increase over 1,000-fold under acute inflammatory state. Individual with blood CRP levels <1 ug/ml, 1-3 ug/ml and >3 ug/ml is considered to have low, moderate and high risk, respectively, of CVD and myocardial infraction.(7) Therefore, blood CRP level has become a promising measure of CVD risk.(8-9)1. Thompson D., Pepys M.B. and Wood S.P. (1999) Structure, 7, 169-177.2. Festa A, D’Agostino R. Jr., Tracy R.P. and Haffner S.M. (2002) Diabetes, 51, 1131-1137.3. Verma S. and Yeh E.T. (2003) Am J Physiol, 285, R1253-R1258.4. Jialal I., Devaraj S. and Venugopal S.K. (2004) Hypertension, 44, 6-11.5. Kindmark C.O. (1972) Scand J Clin Lab Invest, 29, 407-411.6. Macy E.M., Hayes T.E. and Tracy R.P. (1997) Clin Chem, 43, 52-58.7. Ridker P.M. (2004) Am Heart Hosp J, 2(4 Suppl 1), 4-9.8. Benzaquen l.R., Yu H. and Rifai N. (2002) Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci, 39, 459-497.9. Pearson T.A. et al., (2003) Circulation, 107, 499-511.